Be Still%253a It%2527s Part of the Process

Be Still: It's Part of the Process

July 25, 2017

It’s Part of the Process


Wouldn’t it be nice if every vision and dream that God showed us came to past immediately? I know it sounds good, but do we really mean that? Are we actually ready to instantly walk into the vision that God has laid out before us or do we need some time to prepare so that we don’t mess up our blessing? Come on, let’s be honest, our greatest accomplishments have really come as a result of the challenges and trials that we have persevered to overcome.


Men, let me take you back a few years. Do you remember that one girl who was so fine that you just had to get those digits? Smile.  You encountered some initial opposition because she was playing “hard to get” and after a short time you wondered if she was really worth all of the work you were going through to gain her attention. Then one day her friend told you that she liked you too and you found a second wind! You remained relentless in your pursuit, used a little more charisma on her, and as a result you finally got the phone number. The truth is that you were so happy about getting the number that you forgot about the rejection or frustration you felt during the process.


Likewise, in life, there is a process that all of us have to go through in order for us to fulfill the dream and vision that God is calling us to.  We must realize that nothing great happens overnight. Instead, we must pursue our dreams daily.  Sometimes we don’t understand the what, the why, or the long wait, but we know that God is not surprised by any of the things we are going through. Let me assure you, God does not want us to worry, wrestle, or wander.


·       Worry

I have to be honest there are times that I get concerned because it is appears that God has forgotten about me. Even though I know in my heart this is not the truth, the enemy is always telling me lies because he wants believers to worry.  I have truly had to stand on God’s word, not depending on man or leaning to my own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). I trust that God is faithful to His promises. I trust that God honors His word. Therefore, when worry and doubt try to settle into my mind, I force them out with a spirit of praise.


·       Wrestle

We can’t win any of our battles in life in our own strength. We need the aid, wisdom, and protection of God. This is because our battles aren’t natural feats, but supernatural undertakings. Without God’s protection, we are easy prey before Satan. Too often God gives us a vision and we think that means that it’s our job to make it come to past. We wear ourselves out wrestling with every opposing force that comes our way because we think that if we fight harder we will win. In reality, the goal is not to fight harder, but to fight smarter. Our weapons are not carnal like those in the world (2 Cor. 10:40). This is a spiritual battle so it will take a spiritual mentality to win.



·       Wander

No one likes to wait in line. We all feel like we have better things to do than to wait. It’s easy to become distracted when the waiting takes too long. Sometimes we lose our interest during the waiting period because we confuse waiting with stagnancy. Waiting on God doesn’t mean that you do nothing. As you are being still, you should be praying, fasting, meditating on His word, and serving others. Wait means to remain in a state of expectancy for God to move on your behalf.



Here is how you can begin to embrace the process:



Write- I believe God’s instructions are to write things down. It’s time for you to write that vision and hold on to the plan God has given you. Keep a pen close by as He gives you greater insight. Every struggle is an opportunity for growth; write down them down so that you can check them off once God brings you through.  There is always a teaching moment before your next level.


Walking—We have to keep walking in faith. Don’t stop. We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because God is with me. Remember, there are no shortcuts, to your destiny. 



               You are too close to reaching your goal to give up now. Quitting it is not an option.  It’s time for you to strap up and get ready for the fight.  Remember, people are not your issue (Eph. 6:12). Gird up your loins and get busy.  Remain focused on the purpose and surround yourself around insightful people.


In conclusion, I tell you this, if you keep your faith on the prize, you are going to WIN!! Do you hear me? You are a Winner through Christ Jesus!  I look forward to celebrating with you at the finish line. Don’t fight the process….Honor the Process!!







Victorious Believers Ministries

624 S Outer Dr.
Saginaw, MI 48601
